The Future of Warehouse Process Automation with Linde MATIC Line-Up
April 9, 2024

Looking to the future of logistics its clear to see how automated machinery can help improve efficiency of flows across warehouses. These machines can take over exhausting transportation duties from workers, boost handling capacity, and lower error and accident occurrences within the warehouse. Linde presents an extensive range of state-of-the-art automation solutions featuring electric forklifts, pallet trucks, and tow tractors from the MATIC series. Each model is furnished with advanced navigation and safety features yet remains adaptable for conventional manual control maneuvering.
Why is Automation Growing?
The automated machines are driverless, controlled and operated without any need for human interaction in the process. Growing in importance in warehouse and logistics industries, automated guided vehicles (AGV) compromise of the machines themselves, master control units, data hubs and loading stations to work effectively. With this, focus can stay on the A to B of logistics with safety and efficiency at heart.
Using automated material handling solutions can help in several ways in operations including the following key factors:
- Less drivers means organizations can utilize staff for more valuable roles and this also combats any shortages in forklift and pallet operators in the market.
- While it would be unsafe for operators to work long tiring hours, automated lines can run 24/7 if needed to achieve maximum line efficiency.
- Rate of errors and accidents in warehouses can be greatly reduced keeping workers away from transportation lines and avoids risk of fatigued driver mistakes.
- Economic savings over the long term for employing automated equipment can help improve operating costs for warehouse owners.

Navigating an Automated Warehouse
Track guided navigation – With this method, machines can navigate using visual aids and magnetic laid tracks for machines to follow around the warehouse floor. The requirement of specific infrastructure and equipment for this method makes this option a more premium choice for automation. Warehouses would need to plan out the ideal route network when taking up this method of navigation to maximise efficiency as changes down the line would require restructuring set out routes causing additional costs.
Natural feature navigation – This method employs lasers to assist machines in navigation across warehouse floors. This method is less intrusive as additional infrastructure such as guide rails or sensors are not required to be implemented into the warehouse. Automated equipment pick up the lasers by scanning the surrounding environment in all directions. This method leans better to frequent changes to the navigation lines as new routes would simply require adjustments to laser mapping through the intelligent control software where routes and speeds can be monitored and altered. This is the common option for Linde MATIC trucks.
Integrating Automation into Traditional Warehouse Setups
With the nature of Linde’s MATIC line up, its easy to kick off your automation process with select tasks before jumping into the deep end by utilising AMRs which can flexibly navigate across warehouses without the need for additional infrastructure. Additionally, there is ability for operators to drive machines manually should the need arise giving you the best of both worlds! Working alongside automated equipment is not a worry with regards to safety as each AGV & AMRs are fitted with scanners to monitor zones and areas to detect obstacles and people around the jobsite. Machines are also fitted with emergency stop switches to ensure a final line of safety in extreme situations.

Travel Speed Loaded: 5.0 mph
Voltage: 24.0 V

Travel Speed Loaded: 3.8 mph
Voltage: 24.0 V

Travel Speed Loaded: 3.7 mph
Voltage: 24.0 V

Travel Speed Loaded: 1.5 mph
Voltage: 48.0 V

Travel Speed Loaded: 4.5 mph
Voltage: 24.0 V
Interested in Automating Your Warehouse Logistics?
Find out more about how automating your warehouse logistics can benefit your processes by reaching out to our team using the contact button or chat to us during staff hours using our Live Chat option.