Breeze Through Your Landscaping Projects with Bobcat Equipment from Westerra Equipment
February 5, 2021

Bobcat equipment can make your landscaping project easier.
Whether you are leveling land or removing debris, Bobcat equipment can help minimize the manual labour required. At Westerra Equipment, we offer a great range of Bobcat machines that our sale representatives can best match to your unique needs. Stop choosing between size or power and achieve high performance in Bobcat’s compact equipment. Also gain maneuverability in tight spaces with their easy-to-use machines and versatile attachments. From small residential yards to large commercial jobsites, our team can help you maximize productivity in your landscaping jobs.
Site Clearing
Easily upkeep your land with a rotary cutter attachment to control overgrown grass and clear pastures. Achieve tighter turns with the tapered round back features and reduce shock of impact with free-swinging blades. The attachment comes with a standard 3-point hitch, making it simple to quickly lock in a get working.
High-Performance Grading
Swap on a grader attachment and achieve higher precision and control when prepping surfaces. With a blade that moves in six to eight different ways, you can tackle uneven ground and get consistent grading performance. This attachment is great for landscaping, asphalt, concrete, as well as trail and path construction.
Tree Removal
Using the forestry cutter attachment, you can churn trees and underbrush into mulch. Rip through hard and soft trees at less horsepower with the spiral tooth pattern. Also, its compact size lets you target areas to thin out or conduct a mass clearing of all trees.
Prepare the Soil
Strong enough to puncture the richest clay soils, the versatile soil conditioner attachment excels in simultaneously pulverizing and leveling soil. Top tasks include leveling ground, clearing debris, tilling soil, tearing out sod, and smoothing ruts. Additionally, choose to lock the attachment’s rotating drum for a box blade effect.
Trenching Jobs
The trencher attachment lets you efficiently cut through the ground in all soil conditions. Choose from different teeth and chain options to get maximum power for various soil conditions. Ideal for digging trenches for utility and irrigation systems, the attachment gives you the freedom to trench near buildings, walls, and fences.
Are you interested in getting your landscaping project done this season? Reach out to one of our sales representatives today and let us pair you with the right equipment for your job!
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